Growing up, I had fond memories of the few times that we attended a real family reunion. I say 'growing up, I had fond memories' because I am mostly left with memories of having fond
memories. I just seems to be the way my little mind works, my own way of
condensing memories: pack up all those
moments into a little check box.
But now as I am advancing in age (and my advancement is measured by weakness and pain upon exertion rather than by years...especially if you think that 33 is not that old) I have come to the realization that I am that uncle at the family reunion, and my children are the ones creating fond memories. Soon, it will be Christy and I, front and center, surrounded by our aging children and their children. I say soon only because I can't account for my past 33 years -- that puts me at 66 (almost my Father's age to the year) in just a few more seasons.
Baby Guppie - Sneak Peek
You may not have known that our children, in rebellion to our inability to
arrive at even one name choice for our unborn boy (which has all been my,